Lentils And Carrots

Friday, September 5, 2008

Gout Medicine That Works - 3 Medicinal Remedies to Reduce Pain

Many natural gout remedies exist but one of the first things most people seek for relief is gout medicine. Prescribed gout medications are usually the main solution used when people are afflicted with any ailment and gout sufferers are no different. Many of these medications focus on reducing the high uric acidity level in the bloodstream.

The two most common gout medicines are corticosteroids and NSAIDs. These help reduce inflammation in the affected joints. NSAIDs are taken by mouth in high dosages. They also aid in prohibiting the spread of prostaglandin, a substance that plays its part in causing you severe pain during a gout flare-up.

If NSAIDs aren't effective for you, then turning to corticosteroids are the next doctor recommendation. Like NSAIDs, these also give instant relief to gout victims. They are injected directly into the inflamed joint to mainly target that area.

But there is a downside to using corticosteroids as your gout medicine. You can't take it daily or during repeat flare-ups, because frequently using this medication will damage the joint and weaken the surrounding bone cartilage.

If neither one of the above are effective, then you last choice is to take colchicines and use it for the first twelve hours of the outbreak. Unlike the other two medications, you can take this one every hour for that first half day. However, you may suffer side-effects of abdominal cramps, diarrhea and an unsettled stomach. But colchicines have been around for centuries and have proven their effectiveness in relieving pain.

Any gout medicine you take, like most other kinds of medications, will have its pros and cons. Therefore, you should carefully consider your choices. Getting help from both medical professionals and other gout patients with resources for relief can give you the edge in getting rid of your gout flare-ups.

Modern medicine doesn't always work best. If you're suffering horribly from gout and want freedom from the pain forever, try a safe and natural gout affliction cure that's already in your kitchen right now. Control your gout once and for all by visiting http://www.GetGoutRelief.com

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