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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

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Small Business Health Insurance

Obtaining small group health insurance coverage for business owners can be difficult and time consuming. Most companies choose to work with an insurance broker to simplify the process. It is important, however, to work with an independent broker (or agency) who is licensed with several insurance carriers. A knowledgeable broker will allow the business owner to compare several plans from competing companies. Using an independent representative also allows for easy transitions should the company need to change carriers in the future.

Claims Experience will Increase Rates

One major claim against a group health insurance policy can cause a significant monthly or yearly rate increase to the business owner. At this point, the administrator might consider changing plans to a competing carrier in order to reduce premiums. In many cases, a new health plan will allow for similar coverage at a lower rate while not sacrificing benefits.

Additionally, recent legislation passed by Congress allows business groups to purchase high deductible health insurance coupled with a health savings account. These plans are also known as HSA's. Qualified health savings accounts (coupled with high deductible insurance) are usually less expensive and will also provide tax advantage for the insured and/or the business purchasing the coverage.

Maintain Key Employees with Favorable Benefit Packages

Offering an attractive a benefits package is an integral part of any successful business plan. Owners need competitive benefits to maintain key employees and to attract new hires as operations expand. Business owners, however, also need to balance their health, life, dental and vision benefits with the costs associated with such plans. Gaining access to several competing insurance illustrations can make this possible for an employer group.

In summary, maintaining necessary benefits while keeping benefit packages affordable is a balancing act for most companies. An experienced agency or independent broker can help to make this process a comfortable one for the business owner.

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A.M. Hyers has been working in the insurance and investment industry for over ten years. He owns and operates Hyers and Associates, Inc. an independent insurance agency doing business in Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, and Ohio.

His agency offers insurance products in the individual, family, and small business group marketplace. They use the leading national insurance carriers to quote health insurance, health savings accounts, dental, and vision plans.

Other lines of insurance offered include life insurance, disability insurance, and long term care insurance. They use several carriers to quote Medicare supplement plans and Medicare Part D coverage for seniors. Additionally, the independent agents of Hyers and Associates Inc. offer fixed, indexed, and immediate annuity policies for individual and group retirement plans.

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Cat Health Insurance is All That Your Cat Needs

Since veterinary costs are rising day-by-day, insurance policies have become the biggest necessity of all pet owners. In fact, these policies are helpful in lightening the financial burden of the pet owner; perhaps, this is the reason why most of the pet owners are buying health insurance policies for their pets. Such health insurance can be a topic of debate among pet owners but the fact is that all pet owners, who care for their pet's requirements and want to provide them with quality medical facilities, buy these policies to secure their pet's life. People, who are concerned about their pet's health, know that a health insurance can save their pet's life during serious illness or injury. These insurance policies cover a wide range of healthcare requirements of a pet, so that the pet owner may get relief from the burdensome medical bills of his or her pet. Owning a cat is the biggest pleasure of the world but one may feel really very bad when he or she is not able to take care of this sweet little creature just because of financial shortage. Cat health insurance is the only one solution that may help a cat owner in providing his or her cat with the best healthcare benefits.
Cat health insurance policies are just like human insurance policies and they also carry equal healthcare benefits. These policies cover all unexpected health expenses of a cat, so that the owner may not face sudden financial burden at the time of her injury or illness. There are people, who believe that paying premiums of their cat's insurance just increases their financial burden, as their cat hardly requires medical check-ups and treatments. However, life is unpredictable and no cat owner can predict that his or her cat will stay healthy forever; therefore, they should not deny the benefits of a cat health insurance.
However, it is wise to analyze every aspect of cat health insurance polices but it does not mean that these policies are not useful. Analyzing these policies can help a pet owner in getting a clear idea about the processing of these policies. With this, the cat owner can know whether the selected insurance policy covers pre-existing health problems of his or her cat or not. Since there are some policies that do not cover pre-existing conditions, it is always advisable to select a policy that covers unexpected and pre-existing conditions of the insured cat.
There are various factors that determine the benefits of your cat health insurance. Age and physical condition are one of those key factors that decide on the benefit level of a cat insurance policy. These factors also helps the insurance company in setting the premium amount, as older your cat will be the higher premium amount you will have to pay for her policy. However, this premium amount never goes out of the budget of the cat owner, as the cat owner gets the privilege to choose the cat health insurance policy as per his or her capacity.

Robert Scott is a veterinary doctor and through ages having been dealing in pet insurance. If you want to know more about Pet Insurance, Cat insurance, Pet insurance Online,Veterinary pet insurance, Cat health insurance You can visit http://www.insuranceforpets.net

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Car Insurance on Rentals

When it comes to car insurance, there are a couple of traps you can fall into. The contracts are complicated and extremely difficult to understand, and thats if you even have the time to read them. The fact is that most people dont read insurance contracts and there is a significant information shortage when it comes to consumers and the contents of their own insurance contracts.

One of the problems with this information gap is that it can lead to wasted money. Every time you rent a car you are asked what kind of insurance you would like. The options are generally to take none, which costs nothing, or you could cover liability insurance, which should cost about $10 per day. Then you have a variety of options to cover the rental cat itself, prices for which vary from company to company and state to state. The full coverage option, which includes liability, passengers, and the rental car usually, comes to about $25 to $30 a day. Most people genuinely dont know what option they should be taking.


Liability insurance is the only insurance you are required by law to take out. All the others are optional. Thats the first and most important thing to remember when youre at the rental desk, and the total price for your two-week vacation car is quickly adding up and up. The other thing to know is that in many cases, you will be covered, to some extent by your existing car insurance. You will have to check your insurance policy to make certain, but for the vast majority of drivers, they will have liability insurance by virtue of their own car insurance, and this will carry over to the rental car.

It is however, unlikely that full or comprehensive coverage will carry over from your own car insurance. This is because comprehensive insurance is calculated based on the value of your car. Insurers dont want to be in a position where they set your policy based on your say, $15,000 vehicle, and then have to pay out when you crash a $40,000 rental. So your policy will state that only liability insurance is provided when you rent.

Credit Card Cover

You may still require no insurance from the rental company however. This is because many credit card companies, including both visa and MasterCard, offer this insurance if you pay for the rental with one of their cards. This is a major benefit of using a credit card and should not be wasted. Again you should check with your credit card provider what they cover, but the bottom line is, if your own insurance covers liability, and your credit card covers the rental car, why pay a couple of hundred dollars for extra insurance when youre already covered?

If you are in doubt as to your insurance, it is wise however to take the rental companys policy, especially liability.

Joseph Kenny is the webmaster of the insurance site http://www.insure121.com/ where you will find information, news and links to the leading providers of car insurance in the UK.

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Impact Of Uninsured Workers In Texas Is High

While Texas remains the state with the highest percentage of uninsured residents in the nation, a key question is what is the impact of that, from a human and pure economic standpoint.
A December 2006 report by the Texas Health Institute, sponsored by Methodist Healthcare Ministries, indicated that the costs are substantial, both from a social and economic perspective.

A summary of the issue indicates that a higher than national average of people living in Texas, including those living in Houston, Dallas and Austin, remain without health insurance. Compared with the national average of 18% uninsured (in 2005), some 27% of Texas residents did not have health insurance, about 5.5 million people. Of that number, 20% of children 18 years of age or under were without health insurance and 31% of adults aged 19-65 were uninsured.

The definition of "access" to healthcare is having coverage available and affordable for each individual.
The Texas Health Institute report quotes the Kaiser Family Foundation in making the connection between health insurance and the relative health of an individual.

"Health insurance makes a difference in whether and when people get necessary medical care, where they get their care, and ultimately, how healthy people are. Uninsured adults are far more likely than the insured to postpone or forgo health care altogether and less likely to be able to afford prescription drugs or to follow through with recommended treatments. The consequences of reduced access to care can be severe, particularly when preventable conditions go undetected.

The Texas Health Institute report makes the point that having health insurance makes a difference in whether and when people get necessary medical care, where they get their care, and ultimately, in how healthy people are. "Uninsured adults are far more likely than the insured to postpone or forgo health care altogether and less likely to be able to afford prescription drugs or to follow through with recommended treatments," said the Report.

When it comes to the real cost of not having health insurance, reduced access to care can be severe, especially in cases where an otherwise preventable condition goes undetected. In the case of cancers, the report states that being uninsured is associated with fewer cancer screenings and an increase in premature deaths for cancer patients, as well as fewer services for trauma and heart attack patients and an increased risk of death when they are hospitalized.

While 53% of Texans participate in an employer-sponsored health insurance plan, the remainder of state residents have limited choices for coverage. Individual policies from an insurance company account for just 4% of residents and public programs such as Medicaid cover another 12%. The Texas State Childrens Health Insurance Program has eligibility guidelines regarding income and other criteria.

The end result, says the Institute of Medicine, is that uninsured adults have a higher overall mortality risk of 25%. Extrapolated, there are more than 18,000 excess deaths annually among uninsured people ages 25-64.

Health insurance affects health status, and various studies show strong links between people with more education having better health, and people with less education and less literacy having poorer health. One national study estimated that $73 billion is spent annually in avoidable health care costs due to low literacy. Education affects job choices and future income, which, in turn, can affect health status.

For students who miss school or cannot concentrate due to temporary or chronic health conditions, the educational system is not as effective, which can lead to lower academic achievement. In addition, school absenteeism affects school district finances, as funding is at least partially based on attendance.
The high number of uninsured people has other consequences as well, including the issue of uncompensated care at hospitals. Those costs are typically passed to taxpayers in the form of higher property taxes for the hospital districts of the metropolitan areas of Texas, including Dallas, Houston and Austin.

In Texas, the cost of uncompensated care (bad debt plus charity care) for hospitals (which bear the brunt of uncompensated care costs) was estimated to be $7.7 billion in 2003. Even so, hospitals do not share equally in uncompensated care costs. Government and not-for-profit hospitals have the most. In a study examining 193 hospitals in Texas, the 53 that were categorized as safety-net hospitals accounted for 59% of the total uncompensated care in 2003.

While the nine Texas counties that lie on the border with Mexico have high uncompensated emergency care -- about $393 million in 2000 -- other areas of Texas also have high uncompensated care rates, especially Parkland Hospital in Dallas, one of the busiest hospitals in the U.S. In 2002, Parkland had $410 million in uncompensated care, of which about 20% was estimated to be due to emergency and non-emergency care for undocumented patients, those who are ineligible for most federal programs such as Medicaid, but must be treated if they come to hospital emergency rooms with an emergency medical condition.

The uninsured rate also affects Medicaid reimbursements due to the fact that the state loses the federal Medicaid matching funds for treating those patients.

What is clear is that not having health insurance is an issue that remains at the forefront of public concern in Texas, both from an economic and social perspective.

There are, however, solutions to some of those issues, especially if you're a young individual who wants to look ahead with health in mind. If you're in that category, you should take a look at the revolutionary, comprehensive and highly affordable individual health insurance solutions created by Precedent specifically for you. For more information, visit us at our website, http://www.precedent.com We offer a unique and innovative suite of individual health insurance solutions, including highly competitive HSA-qualified plans and an unparalleled real-time application and acceptance experience.

Precedent puts a new spin on health insurance. Learn more at http://www.precedent.com

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Health Insurance Myths - Part I

Popular perceptions about health insurance are often wrong. Here are some of the more misunderstood concerns that individuals have when it comes to obtaining health care coverage.

Myth#1: Since my employer provides me with health insurance, I'm OK.

Truth: While an employer based group health plan is still the most common type of health coverage, there has been a reduction in the number of employers who provide them. A growing number of employees are loosing their employer provided health care. Many employers are finding it difficult to continue to pay the rising premium cost and no longer offer healthcare benefits. Another drawback, an employer group policy will only cover an employee while they are employed there. Should they loose or leave their job, the employee would be vulnerable, especially if he/she had health problems or pre existing conditions. Individual health plans are portable so the employee can keep their coverage should they decide to change jobs or retire.

Myth#2: I'm healthy so I'll worry about health insurance when I get older or become sick.

Truth: It is usually more cost-effective to buy a healthcare plan when you are younger and especially if you are healthy. The cost of buying coverage tends to increase as you age. And buying coverage when you are young and healthy means you will already have the coverage if you develop a health condition later in life that could make you uninsurable. You purchase a healthcare plan to protect against unforeseen risk. Health care insurance is really no different than auto insurance... you can not get coverage after you have had an accident so why should your health plan be any different. If you can possibly afford the insurance, then there is no excuse for not having it.

Myth#3: It is easy for individuals and small businesses to purchase healthcare insurance.

Truth: Not really. Because the risk pool is smaller than employer group plans, the rates are generally higher for these markets. This leaves the most vulnerable individuals - those with pre existing conditions - either unable to find insurance, or when they do find it, the premiums will be more than they can afford. At the same time, small businesses are seeing their premiums rise each year, often times to a point they can no longer afford to pay.

Myth#4: The uninsured are usually able to get health care even without health insurance.

Truth: Unfortunately, access to affordable health care services is greatly diminished for individuals lacking a health plan. The uninsured are more likely to delay healthcare, live with illness longer and when they do seek help, it is usually at the most expensive setting, such as the emergency room. Out-of-pocket expenses in this manner are far from cost-effective. Ensuring affordable health care coverage will allow individuals to seek preventative care at appropriate times and hopefully stem the tide of mounting medical expenses.

Myth#5: Most uninsured individuals are uninsured by choice.

Truth: Not so. Cost, premium increases, and affordability are listed as the major reasons for not having health coverage. Additionally, others cited a loss of employment as a reason. Only about 10% give no real reason for not having a health plan. This would imply that most individuals do want health insurance but simply cannot afford it.

About the Author: Rudy Wilson is currently active in the insurance industry. He is also a researcher and an author. Visit his web site at http://www.UninsurableHealthSolution.com to view more information on finding affordable health care for the uninsured, the underinsured and the uninsurable.

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